Incluir para Crecer 2024 – Festival Latinoamericano de Economía Inclusiva - Lanzamiento
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Launch of the Latin American Festival of Inclusive Economy: Incluir Para Crecer – 2024 Edition
How do we envision just ways of living together, ways where all people can flourish?
Live music, dance and spaces for conversation and collective reflection.
Artists: Manuela Da Silveira, Luciano Supervielle, AVR, Magdalena Cosco Viola, Valentina Bidart Minetti, among others.
Amphitheater of the National Auditorium of Sodre, Montevideo, Uruguay
6:00 p.m. (UY time) Check your local time here.
Hybrid event: online and face-to-face.
Accessible event. Interpretation in sign language, English and Portuguese.
50% of the proceeds will be donated to the Panambí project, a space for support and promotion of autonomy and rights of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). More Information
We aim towards an inclusive and solidary economy based on the principles of equity and economic fraternity; that is why we invite those who can pay to do so, and in this way they will be supporting those who cannot.
If you need any kind of scholarship to participate, please fill out this form.
Incluir para Crecer Agenda 2024:
For the 2024 edition, we decided to separate in time and distribute throughout the year the activities corresponding to each stage of the Festival's journey, generating enough distance for a self-reflective and deep process.
- Co - Initiate: Launch of the 2024 edition from the Amphitheater of the National Auditorium of SODRE, Montevideo, Uruguay. Face-to-face and online event
- Co - Sense: Listening Space: Sounding Board for Latin American Voices. Online Event
- Co - Inspire: Mixed proposals for personal reflection: body exercises, journaling. Online Event
- Co-Create: Spaces for conversation and exchange, working groups on methodological proposals and invitation to action. Online Event
- Co - Evolve: Closing celebration with an artistic-documentary piece. Face-to-face and online event Tickets for the other activities of the Incluir para Crecer will be on sale at a later date.
Tickets for the other activities of the Incluir para Crecer will be on sale at a later date.

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